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Monday, August 29, 2011

Why we're homeschooling

I think I should let you girls know now why I plan on homeschooling you. Well, first things first, I think every parent (or guardian, if the parent isn't around) is a homeschooler from the beginning. So, I should say that my plan is to continue homeschooling you into your school years.

I was homeschooled for four years of my life- kindergarten, and my sophomore, junior and senior years of high school. My siblings were also homeschooled at varying lengths and times. So homeschooling isn't a new concept at all.

I would like to homeschool for a number of reasons. For one thing, I believe that you will get a better education. I can tailor you learning to meet your needs. I remember a kid in 6th grade trying to do an oral multiplication quiz by counting on his fingers. I always felt bad for him, but I now know that he hadn't yet made the jump from visual learning to figuring it out quickly in his head. He felt bad because he had to go to special education, but he actually had a lot of smarts in other areas. So, I want to give each of you the space to learn at your own pace. Your dad agreed with it because, "I never learned anything in school!" He took his GED when he was 15, without studying, and passed and went on with his life.

A part of education is the learning of worldviews. Regardless of who is teaching you, a part of their worldview will inevitably be taught to you. We each have a worldview based on the vast and varying circumstances in our lives. It is very important to me that in this better education that I am hoping to give to you, that my worldview will come through. I do NOT expect you to be clones of me! One thing that I greatly appreciated about my parents was that they let me be an individual, no matter how much it embarrassed them (which was quite a bit, I don't doubt!) However, there are some things that are of vital importance to me.

The first and foremost thing that I want you to know is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you very much, like a father loves his children. He died on the cross, was buried and came back to life on the third day so that you can have a relationship with Him. This is not a relationship that requires you to do good things! In fact, it has absolutely no basis on how good of a person you are! The bible says in Romans 3:10 that "there is none righteous; no, not one!" Just like a father should be, he loves you no matter what you've done. He only wants you to love Him and to accept His free gift of eternal life! This is the most important thing I can teach you. I will do my best to not attach anything to the gospel, because it is not a political viewpoint or even specific doctrine that will save you. It is only Jesus!

The second reason is because you are awesome kids and I'm a little selfish. I'd prefer to show you and take you to do cool things, rather than teachers getting to do all the cool stuff!

I guess I'll have to save the "How" for another post, as this one is getting kind of lengthy!

1 comment:

  1. love it! your babies are blessed to have such a loving mommy and daddy!
