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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

catching up with Punkin

A lot has been going on. However, I've finished nursing school (hooray!), so it seems to be letting up a bit.
I'll start with Punkin. So much to say! Every day you come up with something new! I'll just list as many as I can think of.

1) "Dad, I want to tell you about bird poops." Totally out of nowhere as we were driving one day.
2) I don't normally post pics (maybe I'll have to change that), but how could I not post THIS?!?!?!
 Don't worry, tho. You cleaned it all up- WITH GRANDMA'S TOOTHBRUSH!!!! (I'm still cracking up!)

3) We went to Farmington for my uncle's funeral a few weeks ago. While at Grandma's, you said, "Great Grandma, where is Great Grandpa?" She said, "He went to be with Jesus." You said, "Oh. He's not dying anymore?" Oh, the wisdom of a child! No, my dear, he's not dying any more. He's doing sooooo much better!

4) Also while at great grandma's house, you decided to feed peanut butter to your twin babies that grandma gave you for Christmas. You then neatly washed their faces- and the rest of their little cloth bodies. I do, by the way, allow you to help me feed your baby sisters. You're really good at it!

5) For about a week, you had a thing about getting up in the middle of the night to do crafts, of course while everyone else was far off in the land of Nod. The first time, you decided to glue all- and I do mean ALL- of the mail together. The second time, you painted lots of things red with nail polish, including the refrigerator, my ceramic fire holder vase thing, several baby toys, bumbo seat tray, etc. The third time, you just used the markers to color a few things, although I don't remember what.

6) Last night, you said, "Daddy, want to watch me dance?" You were standing on the coffee table and looking at yourself in the dining room mirror. Of course, he said okay. You danced, then asked him the same question at least ten more times! I'll have to get a video of that!

I'm sure that I could put ten things on here every day. You're getting so big and so helpful.

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