I've been struggling a little bit wth how I should write this post. Should I blog about each of you separately, since you are both such individuals and have such different traits? Or should I blog together, so I can compare you and share things you did together? I've decided on the latter, obviously. But mostly due to time ;o) !
First, I'll let you know why I chose your nicknames for the blog. Apple is for baby A (first one born), Blueberry is for baby B (second one born). I wanted to use vegetable names, but Arugula and Bok Choy didn't sound so cute. I almost went for Apricot and Banana. But Apple and Blueberry describe the roundness of your cheeks better!
Okay, now some baby book stuff. Blueberry could roll onto her side at birth. But both of you rolled over completely, back and front, by four months. Blueberry was first, but only did it once. Apple rolled over soon after, but just kept doing it all the time. You both roll over onto your stomach, then back to your back, all the time now. I have a hard time keeping you on the blanket on the floor.
You love holding hands. At first, I thought it was a fluke, as your arms would flail around until you grabbed something. But now that you've become a little better at grabbing things you want, I've noticed that you hold hands more often. In fact, Blueberry, you have a thing where you scream a lot just before you fall asleep. This upsets Apple, and she'll look over at you and grab your hand. Sometimes, it'll help you calm down. It's super cute to watch.
Food wise, you're eating rice cereal and I go through about 1/2 gallon of goat's milk per day. I tried carrots and apples, but you both got diaper rashes. That's pretty much it.
You are both super calm babies most of the time, just like Punkin was (still is). I'm a very lucky mommy! I read about babies that are loud, collicky, and cranky. I haven't experienced any of that. Having twins isn't exactly easy, but you've both made it easier than I expected! Sorry this isn't the most exciting thing to read. I just wanted to record some milestones and temperament stuff, mostly.
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