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Sunday, August 28, 2011


To my sweet Punkin- Some fun things you say now that you're 3 and are learning so much about the world!

1)      You have two new baby sisters, Apple and Blueberry. One time, when I was still pregnant with them, your daddy asked you if your cheese was yummy in your tummy. You said, “No, daddy! Not cheese in my tummy! Babies in my tummy. One, two of them (pointing to each side of your stomach).
2)      Instead saying forgot, you say gotfor. I’m not sure if I’ll ever correct you on it. I kind of hope you say it the rest of your life because I’m pretty sure I’ll always think it’s cute.
3)      Just before my mom’s dad, Grandpa Clarence, died, you sang “This little light of mine” to him. Actually, you sang it to him over the phone a few days before he died and he smiled and gave a thumbs up. Then, Aunt Casey played a recording she’d made of you singing (the same song) to grandpa just a few hours before he died and he smiled. You sure love singing and it seems to make people very happy!
4)     You call biscuits “bikshits” and yogurt “nyonyurk.”
5)  One night, while we were watching American Pickers and Pawn Stars, you looked at daddy and said, "Hey daddy, want to buy my picture for $50?" He was quite amazed that you were able to pick up the gist of what were watching.
6) A couple days ago, you said, "Mommy, my mouth hurts." You'd bit your tongue the day before, so I thought you were talking about that. But you kept telling me, so I asked, "What happened?" You said, "I was shaving my lip and it hurts!"
7) You absolutely love playing with your baby sisters. Every time someone at the store stops to ask about them (which happens quite often), you tell them each of the baby's names. You give them their pacifiers or bottles, help me change their diapers and clothes, and like to lay down and put your arm around one of them to take a nap. It's the easiest way to get you to take a nap, actually.
8) When I asked you what you wanted to give daddy for his birthday, you said, without hesitation, "A blue car!" So we bought a wooden DIY car, which you colored with markers and put together. Daddy thought it was the best present he'd ever gotten!

There are loads more cute things, but I just wanted to put these down before I forgot them. 

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